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Weekly update

Weekly update

Upcoming Referral Program for businesses

2 min read

At Ampere, we are constantly striving to provide you with exceptional services. That's why we want to tell you more about the upcoming feature – the Ampere Referral Program.

Here's how it works:

  • Refer your friends and colleagues to Ampere: Spread the word about the benefits of Ampere's business bank accounts in the UK.
  • Earn £85 for each successful referral: Once your friend opens a new Ampere account and meets the program requirements, you'll receive a reward of £85 deposited directly into your account.
  • Enjoy instant rewards and flexible spending: Your rewards are credited instantly as soon as they comply with referral program rules. Spend them however you like!

What your friends will get:

By joining Ampere through your referral, your friends will unlock a suite of valuable features designed to help their businesses thrive:

  • UK Faster Payment with no fees;
  • SEPA Transfers with no fees;
  • Best exchange rates;
  • Secure and convenient corporate debit card that works worldwide;
  • High security and protection.

Start referring, and start earning!

We're putting the finishing touches on the Ampere Referral Program and can't wait to make it available to you. Keep an eye on our web version for the official launch announcement. Our dedicated customer support team is always here to answer any questions.

Thank you for being part of the Ampere community. We're excited to help you and your network grow and succeed with our innovative UK business banking solutions.

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By Ampere
All-In-One Financial Service for Business
11 August 2023